
“Everybody know death is inevitably coming, but it never fails to catch everybody by surprise everytime one is going” ― Hlovate, Contengan Jalanan


Rise Of the Sleep- Ummah-

Prophet Muhammad:
Comparison of the faithful on compassion, emotion and compassion of their fellow charity, is like a torso. If  (ill) everywhere the body portion,  it to the whole body with no effort vigil nights sleep longer a fever. "

History of al-Bukhari and Muslim
Readers are noble,
I was touched when I read excerpts of a poem written in a book,
"It's not the Koran for Islam
Not the world to Islam
But the Koran and Islam to the world
Muslims yearn for peace and true happiness
Together with the other. "

Highlighting the People's History of the glory of Islam Taught
Caliph of Islam spelled out, Umar al-Faruq who ruled two-thirds of the world when his days as the second caliph after Abu Bakr as-Siddiq realize his words, "
"If my people starving, I want to be among the first to feel it. If my people satiety, menjdi last person I want to enjoy it. "
When the entry into force of injustice, especially when the systems financially in the end the decade-decade reign of the Umayyad Empire, a leader named Umar Abdul Aziz, the leader of a very obedient to the teachings of this religion expressly stated,
                           "God deliver His Messenger as a guide not as a tax collector!".
And he changed the policeman who is oppressing the people when it is to re-establish the truth and justice rely on the Qur'aan and Sunnah.
When a Muslim hero status that is, a sultan Sultan Salahuddin al-Ayubi open city of Jerusalem in 1187, he recounted by Karen Armstrong in her book Holy War:
"Not a single person was killed Kristian and no deprivation. Salahuddin even sobbed recalled because families are shattered and destroyed by war. His brother, Al-Malik Al-Adil ibn Ayyub, also sad to see the suffering of the prisoners that he asked Saladin for a thousand of them and release him immediately.Some Muslim leaders had offended because those rich Kristian escaped with the treasure, which is actually capable of being used to make up for all the prisoners. Salahuddin asked that all the Christians of Latin (Catholic) left Baitul Maqdis. While the Orthodox Christians who are not party of Soldiers of the Cross is allowed to live and worship in the region. "

When this reality People
Beloved reader,
When we buy something as an example the equipment of high-tech, certainly we also flyer with a reference book for buyers and users. References are used in order  purchased can be used properly. There and do not do it.No one knows the role and how it is used unless the existence of a comprehensive reference. Even just the designers  really know why he them those tools, is not it?
If I may be the case in the above analogy with the creation of man on earth and the role of the man himself.
The memory of ourselves on the word of God is glorious in Surah az-Zariyat paragraph 56 that intends,
"I did not create the jinn and mankind except that they worship Me."
Also two cases were abandoned by the Prophet to his people that is al-Quran and Sunnah to guarantee safety for the people.
History has proven nearby THAT Muslims to the two cases makes them noble beings so that they can build a great civilization is not sake only benefit Muslims but also able to give justice to the balance sheet are not Muslims according to the Qur'an and Sunnah, but when people keep away from both then wait while the destruction for the sake of destruction prevail.
Honest, when I see this situation through the pages of history that applies to over people so that now.
Today, we see injustice and injustice still continues to prevail and override Muslims, especially in countries with population of Muslims in the region is minoriti. Do we really cakna or care about those who are described as one body, which, if one feels ill he becomes ill Courant entirely?
I commend the Malaysian empire that also support the people of Palestine and gave widespread coverage to the issue of Palestine. Even the people of this country had been concerned about.
However, it is better if the entire Muslim kingdoms and also not mengkesampingkan issues of other Muslims. Conflict still applies to these people in other places-other like in Afghanistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, and several more in countries that have a Muslim minoriti including closest to the Malaysian side Kelantan that is, a nun in the Southern District of Thai.
Why only the issue of Palestine is raised?
Is there a there there are cops who need to be obeyed so that he viewed more important than humanitarian mission in helping people who have been wronged?
Or what?
Both ends simply cross out the news that hit these people were silent and precisely this issue so our other missing?
I leave the readers who loved with a word of Allah in Surah an-Nahl verse 52 that intends,
"And His what is in the heavens and on earth, and in whom worship forever. So why are you afraid that besides Allah? "

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