
“Everybody know death is inevitably coming, but it never fails to catch everybody by surprise everytime one is going” ― Hlovate, Contengan Jalanan


Viruses Ukhuwwah

A friend is a man, he's you, only that he was someone else ...
last glance, virus2 ukhuwah are as follows:
1) greedy for the pleasure of the world(20: 131)
"One of you will not believe it perfectly except once loved as to love his brother." (Hadith of the Prophet)
2) neglect to worship and violate religious demands
"It is not two people who are compassionate because God parted, unless caused by the sin committed by one in between." (Traditions of the Prophet) do not you know; Sometimes the water was foul smell even though the color is still clear
Prophetic tradition: ..agar love someone, but because he does not love God. 

3) not polite in talking high -sound / rant (31:19) 
-not hear his advice, reluctant to look at him when he speaks or mberi greeting, did not appreciate its existence 
-bergurau excessive softness is a gift, it is best speech honesty 
Excessive joking is the key to all hostilities
-often argue and argue
"In fact the most hated person of God is a very stubborn and always denied." (Hadith)
-kritikan hard rankling
4) indifference (59: 9)
... Longing, closeness and warmth of feeling is like the fuel that lit the eternal brotherhood, add surge spirit, and alleviate any burden .... I marveled, why always miss them 
asks the situation to everyone I meet 
when they are here with me 
my eyes looking for them to and fro 
when they are near her eyes 
Turbulent my heart miss them 
when they exist between the ribs
even if my face could not look at you anymore 
but love and brotherhood will never disappear 
I will not stop praise 
from a distance, along with a string of prayer 
my soul will always miss you 
met together with full sincerity and love
my soul is my soul, my soul is soul 
desire is desire, desire is the desire
5) hold secret perbicaraan (58:10)
"If you are three, so do the two of you make perbicaraan secret without involving the others, because it can upset her deeds." (Hadith of the Prophet)
6) stubborn, unwilling to accept advice and suggestions
"A person is declared bad enough, when he mocked his fellow Muslims." (Hadith of the Prophet)
7) often denied, differing attitudes and hobbies, being arrogant and rude
"Ruh ruh it like the plague soldiers, if they knew each other, it will be unified. But if it does not know each other, it will be at odds. "(Hadith of the Prophet)
8) gave warning in front of others
... Cause rapid fading sense of love and easy to plant the seeds of hostility ... 

9) is often rebuked, intolerant, tend to negative thinking, reluctant to forgive
Accept your friend with all its shortcomings 
must be accepted as even a small kindness wujudnya 
Accept your friend because if she hurt 
Another time he happy who are looking for friends with no defects, nescaya throughout his life did not get a friend
"A husband who will not scold believer Mukminah wife, if she does not like to partially temper his wife, then he would have liked another temper." (Hadith of the Prophet)
if not reprimanded mean no love 
love persisted for no warning *
many who live far away, but it is close to the hearts 
many people who live close to your heart but incapable of love 
erties something far and near but just issues of conscience
10) trusting of people who pitting and harbored malice
... Orang2 were brought together by God in a tangle ukhuwah must be sure that one loving each other with full sincerity that emerge from the deepest conscience. Such transparent relationship could not possibly touched by the hands of the hands of envy, let alone to be destroyed ... (8:63)
11) open secret
... And teach all you know about him as a mandate that should not be opened unless it allow ...
12) followed prejudice (49:12)
the believer is always looking for a reason to be forgiving, while the hypocrites are always looking for faults.
13) interfere with personal problems
"Among the signs of Islamic goodness someone is leaving the things that are not useful to him." (Hadith of the Prophet)
14) selfish, arrogant, no empathy ...
"Who is his brother-sufficient, nescaya God takes care needs. Who would help a believer from a distress, nescaya God will help him out of one of distress on the Day of Judgment. Who would cover the disgrace of a Muslim, Allah will cover her shame nescaya on the Day of Resurrection. "(Traditions of the Prophet) all happy when his companions always close 
but the true friend is still accompany 
when suffering attacks
15) shut down, redundant, burdensome, and calculate the arithmetic kindness to you 

look for friends who would you give ukhuwah sincerity and rights, rather than what you would expect receive something from him
16) are reluctant to express feelings of love, ...
"If a person loves his brother, then proclaim THAT he loved her." (Hadith of the Prophet)
17) forget about it because busy taking care of others and less loyal
people who may not prove his love for old friends will not be able to build a new love with best friend
18) effacing personal advantages, ...
if a Daie donating preaching only to God alone, not for personal interests, ordinary masalah2 will not turn into big problems or catastrophe ...
19) reneged on promises and agreements without good reason
"There are three signs of a hypocrite; if said she lied, if he reneged on promises, and if believed, he defected. "(Hadith of the Prophet)
20) always tells things which evokes sadness and love to deliver the news that made ​​him uneasy.
21) too love
"Love your lover as simple as possible, in case he becomes the enemy at a later time. And hate your enemy as simple as possible, in case he became close friend someday. "(Hadith of the Prophet)
God willing, seizinnya..mari diri..kerana reflexes in fact, the lowest stage is to tolerant fellow kita..n highest level anyway, is to exaggerate them, more than ourselves ...
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